We are pleased to announce our, recently accepted, project: GreenLabs4VET! Funded though Erasmus + Key Action 2 projects, September 2023 kicks off the projects’ start.

The response of learners, teachers and institutions following the successful completion of our first Greening project: GreenVET4SDGs was overwhelming. We had the strong feeling that there exists a need for more teaching and learning about the environment and sustainability.

So, we have come back together to create a project that exposes learners to practical Green activities within their curricula and achieve new Green skills and competences. We want learners to “learn by doing” while understanding how to act in order to safeguard the environment and how to recover and recuperate on factors that are negatively influencing our planet.

A brief description the Project:

We have two main projects: Green labs in VET and Online Green Creative Hub.

Green Labs in VET provide practical hands on training for learners… literally learning by doing. The Green Labs in VET will be innovative working areas where learners and teachers interact to achieve new Green skills and competences and learn about Greening and Sustainability.

The Online Green Creative Hub encourages and gives access to learners and teachers from different communities to meet, share and work on Green initiatives there by improving their green skills and competences, aligning the learners to Green jobs and instilling a strong element of Green entrepreneurship. To help learners think and generate new ideas that can be turned into Green entrepreneurial jobs and opportunities.