Evolving from "Aligning VET Curricula to Greening and the Sustainable Development Goals"
to "Green Labs for VET"
Aims and Objectives
Erasmus+ Project: 2018-1-MT01-KA202-038471 - GreenVET4SDG
This project addresses Greening TVET, which describes the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that foster a culture of sustainable practices in the community, the workplace, and the institutional setting. Aligning VET Curricula to Greening and the Sustainable Development Goals aims to raise awareness in students and teachers from vocational or academic backgrounds concerning the concept and economics of Greening TVET and societies. This is achieved via an accredited training module that can be included in any VET curricula, or studied as an independent programme.
Aligning VET Curricula to Greening and the Sustainable Development Goals is an EU Erasmus+ project (Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices) that includes implementation guidelines for aligning TVET curricula to Greening and the Sustainable Development Goals. Project outputs are created and implemented by the international partners as a team and hence reflect their specific national scenarios.
Start date: 09/2018 End date: 12/2021
Target Groups: TVET learners, TVET teachers, Communities
Participating Countries: Malta, North Macedonia, Greece, Spain
Erasmus+ Project: 2023-1-MT01-KA220-VET-000156845 - GreenLabs4VET
Following the successful completion of the GreenVET4SDG project, the project partners developed the idea of going beyond the original project. The Erasmus+ project GreenLabs4VET is part of a wider initiative within Erasmus+ focused on sustainability in vocational education and training (VET). Officially launched in September 2023, this project is designed to integrate green practices and awareness into VET systems across Europe. GreenLabs4VET aims to build environmental competencies in students and teachers, addressing sustainable practices through hands-on learning environments known as "Green Labs." These labs serve as dedicated spaces for learning and practicing environmentally conscious skills and technologies, aligning with EU sustainable development goals.Key aspects of the project include promoting awareness of ecological impacts and enhancing the skills of VET learners and staff in sustainable fields. Projects like GreenLabs4VET receive support from the Erasmus+ Key Action 2, which encourages cross-institutional collaboration to bring green innovation and practical ecological training into vocational curriculums.
Start date: 09/2023 End date: 08/2026
Target Groups: TVET learners, TVET teachers, Communities
Participating Countries: Malta, North Macedonia, Greece, Spain
Challenges Addressed by this Initiative
Greening Awareness
Raising awareness of Greening issues across all TVET disciplines and linking them to SDG priorities,
Dissemination of Knowledge
Dissemination of knowledge, and delivering accredited training related to Greening to meet the intended goals.
Greening across Curricula
Design, development, and deployment of an accredited module that can be included in any TVET course curriculum or taught independently,
Up-Skilling of Educators
Provision of up-skilling for TVET teachers in relation to Greeningand environmental issues,
Provision of outreach and relevant information for TVET learners and their local communities in Greening.
An accredited training module for learners called Greening for a Sustainable Environment at European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Level 4
A Teachers’ Training Module to increase the effectiveness of the teaching process for Output 1
The design and development of a Website and App for assisting the dissemination of the project outputs, resources together with syndication of greening news, projects and events
The design of a logo that both reflects the core aspects of the outputs and also unifies them under a common representation.
A “Greening the Campus” initiative across the partner institutions with the goal of creating an informative guidebook on the subject for other TVET stakeholders